how to promote your business


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The success of your small business depends on your marketing to it. Basically, marketing includes everything related to obtaining and retaining customers. This appears to be the main challenge among small business owners.

For small business owners, it will help them put solutions in the form of a marketing plan. With a marketing plan, you can easily evaluate, schedule, and measure your tactics. Include your sales goals, your description of the customers you're targeting, as well as the small business marketing strategies you'll use to reach these goals and find those customers.

If you intend to start your own small business marketing plan, here are some lessons that can guide you through this work:

Best Marketing Strategies for Your Small Business

The following marketing strategies are ideal for the typical budget range and small business goals. Here is a list of small business marketing strategies that can work:

how to promote your business

1- Email Marketing

Email marketing involves collecting the email addresses of leads and customers, sending them emails regularly, and getting them to open those emails, or click on links in them.

This strategy is suitable for a small business due to its minimal cost - usually, you only need to pay for the software used in email marketing - and high returns. Email marketing is the strategy that provides one of the highest returns on investment (ROI), even more than social media or direct mail.

Email Marketing. In other words, it will be very profitable for a small business to include email in its marketing plans.

Since email works best when you already have at least a small following, it's best to strengthen relationships with leads and customers, convert leads into sales leads, grow repeat customers, and increase sales. If your primary goal is to increase awareness of a particular brand or expose your business to potential prospects, it is best to try other small business marketing strategies first.

2- Content Marketing

Unlike directly advertising your products and services, content marketing aims to reach the target audience through informational or entertainment content. The idea is that when your target audience is drawn to this content, they will learn about your work as a result. The content used can come in any of the following formats:

  • Articles
  • Videos
  • audios
  • Infographics
  • Graphs
  • e-books
  • white pages
  • case studies
  • Certificates

and a copy for a website (such as the home page text or “about us” -your text page-).

Because content marketing does not directly require sales, it basically works best as a brand engagement strategy rather than a sales strategy. Research from the Content Marketing Institute showed that nearly 80 percent of marketers were able to show that content marketing increased audience engagement, and only 58 percent that it increased sales. By complementing your content marketing strategy using a more direct approach such as email marketing or advertising, you will be able to ensure that your brand marketing efforts are also helping your sales efforts.

3- Blogging

For businesses, blogging means regularly posting new updates to your site or blog. Although blogging is technically a part of content marketing, it often requires a separate plan since it is a recurring project. Blogs need to be updated regularly, unlike white pages, case studies, or your own “about us” page.

Because you will regularly post new content on your blog, it is usually best to build your brand awareness, recall, and loyalty. A blog enables you to get the attention of new prospective clients who will hear about your business for the first time as well as remind existing clients of your business. These brand marketing efforts lead to more customers. Perhaps this is why, regardless of company size, according to Hubspot research, business owners who use blogs are more likely to get more clients for you.

Start your business blog by applying the following ideas:

Make a list of common problems your target customers face, especially the ones you help them solve. Then write a blog about each problem and give them a simple solution. For example, an online store that sells essential oils might include a list of the top five oils that help reduce stress.

If your business already has a blog, look at your posts on your existing blog and check if your blog has images per 100 words or not? Research by Buzzsumo found that articles with images for every 75-100 words result in twice as many shares as articles with fewer images. The more posts your blog posts, the more people you get to view it.

4- Social media marketing

Using sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin, Snapchat, and Pinterest to market your business means that you are using social media marketing.

One of the challenges of social media marketing is that it can be hard to know if it works and is effective. An online advisory study shows that up to 60% of marketers have difficulty tracking ROI. In fact, marketers see social media as the basis for brand engagement. Since you can include images, graphics, video, audio and expressions in your social media posts, this makes it a good way to express your brand values ​​in a variety of ways.

But that doesn't mean there is no place for sales pitches in social media. In fact, Pinterest drives a lot of sales traffic to e-commerce sites. Research from Shopify shows that 93% of online shoppers use Pinterest to plan their purchases, and Pinterest is also the second most popular source of traffic for online stores. Also, Facebook and Instagram have online shopping features, so it's just a matter of using the right social media and the right features to increase your sales.

5- Pay-per-click advertising

Pay-per-click advertising is simply a form of web advertising where you pay for the clicks that get on an online ad. Usually, these are the ads you see when you type a word into a search engine and see the results. But pay-per-click advertising is also present on other sites, and even on some social sites. Google Ads and Bing Ads are two examples of networks that allow the purchase of paid-per-click advertising as a business

The success of your PPC ads depends on choosing the right keywords, bidding on the right quantity, and having high conversion copies. Because the cost of these ads is determined by the number of ad clicks, the best place for them in your small business marketing plan is to gather leads or make sales offers. Here are some of the techniques you can use with your PPC ads:

Recreate the ad that leads directly to the landing page or leads to a zip page designed to attract future customers.

You can also target your ads directly to product pages using keywords that are targeted to customers who are willing to buy.

6- Posters and flyers

Displaying posters or publishing brochures and flyers is essential for small businesses that need to market within a specific location. This is because they are usually displayed and distributed in a particular area. For small businesses where location is important, flyers and posters should be an essential part of their small business marketing plan.

One of the challenges that come with this approach is that it can be difficult to measure success. To get around this, make sure that leads from flyers and posters are easy to track. You can include coupon codes in the content, or in the case of flyers, you can even include a coupon sheet. In this way, you can determine whether the cost of design, printing, and distribution matches the value of the revenue.

7-Print advertisement

One of the more traditional marketing approaches, print advertising is simply buying advertising space in print media such as newspapers, magazines, newsletters, direct mail, or yellow pages. While this may sound "old school" compared to online marketing strategies, there is a reason for their existence - because they are still effective.

Research shows that print newspapers attract more attention when compared to other media such as short online videos or social media sites. Even among millennial consumers, a study found that 82 percent read direct mail and 49 percent use printed coupons. In light of these findings, printing is still relevant.

Print ads have a financial cost, so it is best to make sure that they lead directly to measurable results, such as an increase in sales, customers or leads.

8- Referral Marketing

As the name implies, referral marketing is getting new customers and sales from referrals. This can be from existing clients or other people who simply know about your business. If you have ever participated in a "tell a friend" program, where you get a discount or a promotional gift by recommending a product or service to your friends, then you have participated in a campaign.

Referral marketing campaigns are very effective for getting sales and getting new customers. Research from Nielsen shows that 77 percent of consumers are more likely to buy based on recommendations from family and friends, which makes referrals more persuasive than paid advertising and expert recommendations and leads to five times more sales than paid advertising, according to the WUMA study.

Here are some examples of campaigns:

In 2016, Tesla ran a shop marketing campaign that allowed customers with the most referrals to get a tour of a Tesla factory, invitations to an opening party, discounts, or a new Tesla model that isn't yet available to the public. These referrals brought in 42 times for every dollar spent on this campaign.

Harry's company, which sells shaving products, collected 100,000 clients through a referral campaign to start their own business. Customers who registered on the home page were able to get free products based on the number of workers indicated at the time. Five referrals were entitled to a bottle of shaving cream, while fifty referrals were entitled to an annual resource of new blades.

You can use the above ideas and change them depending on the needs of your small business. With or without incentives, as long as your customers are happy to praise your business to family and friends, your business will be great.

9- Event Marketing

Small businesses, especially those with a front or serving a local community, can also benefit from hosting simple events that attract their target audience. This approach is known as event marketing. The idea is to create an event, which will bring together in the same space your target customers. In this space, they can buy your products or at least become aware of your brand. Here are some examples of event marketing:

A clothing store, Miss Me, regularly goes on a "summer tour" in which they get a traveling promotional campaign for their products. The exhibition includes a photo booth, a competition and a charity segment.

Lynn's Kitchen campaign "#WeighThis" asked women on the site to measure their accomplishments rather than their weight. These were then drawn on a weighing scale and exhibited in the installation art of "Great Central Station.

Sensodyne hosted a "Big Sensitivity Test," which included a variety of activities for potential customers, including dental exams, games, and product samples.

While the above examples may seem prohibitively expensive, you can create your own small business events with even more costs. The important thing is that you get your target customers to your door, and that your event is memorable enough to make it to local newspapers and blogs. for example:

A stationery store might invite a local artist to teach a calligraphy class in their store, with related products prominently placed on the shelves.

A dog groomer can set up a booth to provide treats and treats for dogs that are taken for a walk with their owners. The breeder's flyer or business card can be included in the packaging stage while providing treatments and treatments for dogs.

Because of the costs and planning associated with these events, it is best to make sure that you are getting clients or making sales. This will help to gauge any changes in sales or customers in the region as a result of the campaign.

10. Professional Partnerships

Sometimes to make your small business stronger, it is best to look for other small businesses and partnerships. This could be in the form of promoting each other's products, putting together some of your own products or co-hosting an event for your target clients.

Research your potential partners before starting your target audience. Aside from your own products, what other products are you likely to need? Make a list of these products, and find small businesses that offer them. These small businesses are the natural partners, and you can start approaching them to see if they will be open to promoting mutual benefit. Here are some examples of these natural partnerships:

If your company sells organic sunscreens, you can find businesses that make eco-friendly swimwear and bundle your products together for a summer promotion.

 A gardening company may want to partner with a cleaning service and offer a full joint house cleaning service in the spring.

Partner with other wedding-related businesses such as a baker, printer, wedding accessories provider, and wedding photographer, and host a bazaar for women who are getting engaged.

By pooling your resources, audiences, and skills, you can help each other grow.

Find the best marketing strategies for your small business

It is important for small businesses to find and test different small business marketing strategies to see which ones work best for attracting customer prospects and increasing sales. You do not need to use all of the above methods, you can start from the above list with the one that fits your budget and goals. With the right strategy, your small business can bring in just as much customers and sales as a larger business can.

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