7 great tips to learn programming on your own


You may think that learning programming is a scary, daunting path, but once you take your first step on this path, you will find that programming is very fun and easy to learn if you are serious about it. There are a lot of free and non-free resources that you can take advantage of to learn programming properly, and they are resources that make the learning process fun, and exciting, below you will find tips to make you a professional programmer.

How do you start learning to program?

Programmer jobs are one of the high paying jobs in the market, and one of the most important jobs that people love to do. But one of the common questions that anyone who wants to learn programming asks is how can I learn programming quickly and become a professional programmer? Whether you are someone who wants to learn programming completely, a student looking to learn the latest programming languages, or a hobbyist who just wants to understand how programs and services work, all you need is a computer with an internet connection to start your programming journey.

  • Whether you are a student, someone new, or a seasoned person trying to develop your coding skills quickly and effectively, you should follow the methods and tips below. It may take several years for beginners to learn and master programming, so you must be patient to become a professional programmer. Many get very excited when they start to learn programming, but after a short period of time many of them may give up because they find it difficult to keep going, for example because they have difficulty finding a solution to a code.
  • Learning to code is not a short trip that ends in a day, nor is it as difficult as many people think. All it takes is dedication, love and interest in programming, as well as patience.

Seven great tips for learning to code on your own

There are many methods available online, whether free or paid, that help you learn programming easily, quickly, and effectively. Here you will find effective tips and methods that will make you among the professional programmers around the world.

Understand the basics of programming

One of the common mistakes that students, or beginners make while learning to code, is skipping understanding the programming basics that are present in the first chapter, and moving directly to the next chapter. If you make the same mistake, you will get confused and will not be able to finish learning programming, since you have to go back to the beginning again, and learn the basics, and this wastes your time a lot, and makes you bored. And when you start programming, choose one programming language, stick with it, and learn all its basics first before moving on to the next level, it will save your time which is one of the most valuable things when thinking about learning to code.

Apply what you learn Don't just be a reader

A common mistake that beginners make while learning to code is that they read the information and look at the sample code without practicing it. It's easy to read about loops, variables, and store everything in your head, but if you want to be a programmer, this method won't work. You have to work hard to implement the codes that are required of you and not just read them. When you start programming, you will face a lot of problems, and you will be asked to implement the codes in a practical way to solve those problems, and here you will start thinking a lot in search of the best solution, and when you write the code and change it over and over again and improve it, and try different solutions until you have the results you want, you will improve your ability to Think logical day in and day out, and eventually you learn a lot of things that make you a professional programmer.

When you start learning programming, practice the programming problem, not the code. There is no point in repeating the letters, but rather repeating the logical steps to solve a problem, or practicing over and over again, until you can write it without referring to the educational material you are learning from. Make sure to build your own project, participate in programming challenges, play programming games, and practice them every day.

Write the code on paper

When you start learning programming, you will say to yourself, “Why should I write code with pen or paper? This is a very time consuming process, and I can’t run my code and verify it on paper, so if I can do everything on my computer, why should I use pen and paper?” When you apply to a programming job, the technical evaluation process will most often involve writing code with pen and paper, or you may have to use a whiteboard. For algorithms, learning to code this way will make your work easier, and faster later.

Share, teach, discuss and ask for help

Teaching someone programming, sharing your knowledge with them, and having discussions with other programmers will make you a better programmer in no time. Teaching someone is also teaching yourself, so if you are able to teach programming to someone else, it means that you will understand programming more, it is the best way to help you learn anything in more depth, and you will realize that you do not have to revise what you have studied, taught. You can also participate in open source projects, discuss your code with participating programmers, contribute to Github, and get help from the discussion site there.

When you learn to program, do not hesitate to ask for help, as beginners feel ashamed to ask for help, and this is a wrong thing that you should completely avoid. . So it's a good idea to ask your fellow programmers for help, who will point you to the right path because they were once in your place.

Use of online resources

There are plenty of paid or unpaid resources available online that you can get help from and start your own programming journey. If you are looking for free resources, you can subscribe to Youtube channels that offer free coding lessons, which will help you learn programming quickly and effectively.

You can learn the Python language, with high-quality lessons and articles for free, that start you from scratch, take you step by step to professionalism, and make you a professional programmer,

Also, get into the habit of reading programming related blogs, and you can get help from the Q&A section where you will find programming experts who can help you with anything you need.

Take breaks

If you want to learn programming, we advise you not to sit in front of the computer screen for hours and hours trying to understand everything at once. You will become very tired and the information will not stay in your mind. So it is better to learn programming in batches. Take breaks to rejuvenate, and you should also put this to the test when trying to debug your code. Sometimes you spend a lot of hours to find the error, but you can't find a solution for it, so it is good to take a short break to clear your mind, this will help you regain your focus to find a solution to your code.

Also try to get rid of all kinds of distractions around you like turning off phone notifications, email notifications, and try to isolate yourself to be more focused, when you do this you will save a lot of time and you will not get headaches, or frustration.

Learn how to use the debugger

Making programming errors is very common, you will find a lot of errors in your code in the beginning, so it is good to use debugging tools to discover errors, and check where you made a mistake, using a debugger, or a code debugging tool will save you a lot of time and effort .

In the end, the last tip is to be very patient during your long coding journey, and all you have to do is follow the right path, making sure that your steps are balanced and clear, and follow everything step by step, keep practicing coding, and participate in coding competitions on different sites to Develop your skills, build your logical abilities, and think like programmers, only to find yourself becoming a very good programmer.

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