What do you know about web hosting?


At first glance, Web Hosting seems complicated, perhaps because of the many technical terms used in this field and users are unfamiliar with them. But the truth is that the matter is not as complicated as it seems, especially in light of the rapid development witnessed by the construction of Internet sites. So, what is web hosting? And what are its types? How do you decide which web hosting is right for you?

What is Web Hosting?

If you want to create a website, you need two basic things; A domain address that users can type into the address bar to access your website, and a server to store files for your website, including images, videos, HTML text, and CSS templates.

This server receives and responds to users' visit requests by displaying your website. Basically, this server is what web hosting services provide.

What is the difference between domain and hosting?

Many users confuse domain and web hosting, even though they are two separate services, and perhaps the reason is that many hosting sites are also providing a domain or domain reservation service. To differentiate between them, imagine that the server hosting your website files is your home, so the domain becomes the address of that home.

In other words, web hosting services provide a server (a powerful computer) in which you place the files of your website, and the domain address is what users enter in the address bar of their web browsers in order to access that website.

What are the types of web hosting?

In the past, there was only one type of web hosting, which is dedicated hosting, in which the site owner reserves a server with its full storage and technical capabilities, but this hosting with its many advantages is relatively expensive, which led to the emergence of other types of hosting such as hosting Shared and cloud.

First: Dedicated Hosting

This type of web hosting provides you with an integrated server, and absolute freedom in the use of storage space, memory capabilities and processor. These services have many benefits, including the ability to handle a large number of visits, and the freedom to dispose of the server, its panel, and its operating systems.

Dedicated web hosting is especially suitable for large companies and popular websites, which attract large numbers of visitors, and need to constantly expand to keep pace with the ever-increasing growth in their needs.

On the other hand, this hosting has a number of fundamental flaws, the most prominent of which are the high costs of about $100 per month, and the need for advanced technical expertise to manage the website in light of your need to monitor the server, update its systems, and close its security holes, and therefore you may have to Hiring a programmer or web developer, which certainly adds to the cost of your website.

Second: Shared Hosting

Not all websites need dedicated servers, given that these servers are very expensive. Many sites do not receive a large amount of traffic, and their need for expansion and growth is limited, hence the idea of ​​shared hosting.

Shared web hosting depends on several websites sharing server resources, including the processor and storage capabilities, so that each website is allocated a portion of the server's capabilities and resources. This leads to lower costs, as the cost of shared hosting ranges from 2 to 15 dollars per month.

Shared hosting is suitable for small and medium businesses, and static websites that don't get many visitors. Although it is low cost, it does not allow site owners to control the server, or install their own operating systems, and the performance of your website in it is linked to the activity of other sites that share the same server with you.

The server may not be able to handle any significant increase in traffic, especially when you implement a successful marketing campaign, or sudden events that cause Internet users to visit your website a lot, and sharing resources with other websites can reduce the performance of your site in general .

Third: cloud hosting

Cloud hosting is a form of shared web hosting, but it relies on a number of servers connected through the cloud, giving site owners more resources and storage capabilities than traditional shared hosting at a relatively low cost.

One of the advantages of cloud hosting is that it allows website owners to easily expand according to their needs, or move to other servers in cases of pressure or when needed, without there being any interruption or interference in the service.

Fourth: Managed WordPress Hosting

Today, a third of the websites in the world depend on the WordPress system, so it was only natural that dedicated hosting for this type of website appeared. The WordPress system is easy to use, as it has a simple and intuitive control panel, an instant text editor, not to mention the ability to download and install many applications and tools with the click of a button.

In this hosting, the hosting company handles server management, updates, backups, and security measures, meaning it takes care of all the technical aspects of running your website, and allows you to focus on writing and creating content.

Fifth: Virtual Hosting

Virtual hosting is a combination of traditional shared hosting and dedicated hosting, while it allows website owners to share a single server, it has fewer subscribers than shared hosting.

Each subscriber can also install his own operating system, and benefit from dedicated resources as if he had his own server, which makes it suitable for companies and sites that have exceeded their shared hosting needs, but are not yet ready to purchase dedicated servers.

How do you host a website?

The available Web Hosting services vary in their types and prices, but in general it can be said that the more you pay, the better services and greater benefits you will get. Does this mean that you are looking for the most expensive hosting? Of course not, but to define your needs accurately and search for a service that provides you with these needs at the lowest possible price.

1. Choose the appropriate domain address

The domain address is the key that visitors use to enter your website, so it should be brief, easy to remember and express your company or website. This may sound easy, and it is, but it is not without some complications.

The domain you want may be reserved, which forces you to check the availability of the domain first, and consider all possible alternatives. Although most hosting companies now offer a domain reservation service, you can still reserve the domain from another company.

2. Determine your needs and budget

When hosting a website, be sure not to pay more than you need, so as not to fall into this problem, you must specify your needs accurately, this includes the amount of storage space you need, as well as the number of visitors you expect to visit your website, as well as you should not lose sight of your vision To develop your website in the future, plan today will be your needs for tomorrow.

3. Select the appropriate hosting type

After knowing and accurately identifying your needs, you can now easily select the appropriate type of hosting. For example, if you are looking to create a blog, a small website, or even a personal website, then shared hosting might be the right hosting for you, with its low cost and best fit for your needs.

If you are planning to build a large website with high traffic, large files, and needs constant updating, continuous development and complete control on your end, then dedicated hosting may be your best option, especially if you have a sufficient budget.

4. Learn about the benefits provided by service providers

After determining the appropriate form of hosting, the stage of searching for a suitable service provider begins. The field of web hosting is full of many companies that offer various plans at different prices, which may make you confused, the discrepancy in the prices of these services is due to the different additional features that they provide.

Some hosting plans may include services such as a firewall, e-mail, and periodic file backups. Do you need these services? You are the only one who has the answer to this question, but in any case, before choosing any plan, you should be aware of all the additional benefits that it offers.

What are the factors for choosing a good hosting?

The hosting service providers vary, and the plans and programs they offer also vary, which also implies a difference in prices and costs. Is higher priced hosting better? not necessarily. Is low cost hosting bad and poor quality? That is not true either.

Only your needs and budget determine the right hosting for you, however there are some factors that you should consider when choosing the right hosting service.

First: Uptime

Uptime is the amount of time the server stays up and running, so it's one of the most important factors to consider when choosing a hosting service for your website, because a low uptime means your site can crash a lot, and nothing can hurt your website more than visitors trying to access it. to find it disabled.

Your site’s downtime not only negatively affects your relationship with customers and visitors, but also leads to a lower ranking of your site in search results, thus it hurts your SEO efforts, so you should look for hosting providers, which provide uptime at least 99% of the time.

Second: storage space

Hosting sites offer services with different storage spaces, and increasing the storage space is a good and positive thing, but it comes with additional costs. If you're on a tight budget, you might want to look for a hosting service with limited storage, especially if your website doesn't need a lot of space, and doesn't need a lot of development right now.

Third: the rate of monthly visits

Most hosting sites allow you to receive visits up to a specific cap every month, and when you exceed this cap, the hosting service provider will ask you to pay an additional fee to receive these visits, otherwise it will stop showing your site to visitors until the end of the month, and of course the higher the monthly visit cap, the higher the cost Hosting, you need to estimate your needs and anticipate the rate of visits you will get each month.

Fourth: download speed

The behavior of Internet users has become fast and hastily, so many of them would rather search for other sites than wait for your website to complete loading. Slow loading not only affects users, but also negatively affects Google's evaluation of your site and the order in which it appears in search results. For these reasons, it is essential that you look for a hosting service that provides you with a lightning-fast download speed.

Fifth: Protection and Security

Be aware that today the Internet is teeming with viruses, malware and hackers, and that your site's reputation depends on securing users' information and protecting their privacy. Some hosting sites provide good security services, such as a firewall, periodic scanning for viruses and malware, and they also update their servers constantly to close vulnerabilities. Make sure that the hosting company of your choice provides these services, in order to preserve the security of your website and the privacy of its users.

Sixth: Technical Support

Your website may crash or some of its services stop for one reason or another, but a good hosting service is the one that responds immediately to your problem and works to solve it, and you and your site visitors do not have to wait for long hours for it to come back.

Ideally, the technical support service on the hosting you choose should be available 24/7, and be available through multiple channels for quick and easy communication. For example, support should be available via: (chat, email, and phone).

Seventh: E-mail service

Some hosting sites offer email service, giving you a personalized email often with your site address at an increased cost, but it is up to you to decide how much you need this service.

There are many hosting providers, and the hosting services themselves differ according to the price, features, and add-ons that come with it. Therefore, it is necessary to determine your needs accurately to choose the appropriate hosting service for you, and you can also hire a professional programmer through an independent platform, the largest Arab platform for freelance work, to determine the optimal hosting service for you, and build your website from scratch.

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