Apple, Google and Mozilla cooperate to develop a new generation of browser standards

Apple, Google and Mozilla cooperate to develop a new generation of browser standards


Apple, Google and Mozilla cooperate to develop a new generation of browser standards

Apple, Google and Mozilla said in her Twitter tweets that she is cooperating to create a new standard to perform browsers under Speedometer 3.

In the new step, Apple is seen with its Safari browser, Google with its Chrome browser, and Mozilla with its Firefox browser will work together to provide a standard aimed at testing the performance of its applications with the latest technologies that web sites may use.

In a series of tweets on Twitter, Mozilla said that a standard created by many web companies would help provide a "common understanding of what is important".

The Foundation says that this matter is important for coordination between web developers, standards bodies, and groups that build engines that explain codes based on these standards, in addition to companies that build browsers based on these engines.

"Working together will help us improve the standard and improve the performance of the browser for our users," Apple's Twitter Webkit Web Account on Twitter.

This standard is scheduled to be Ultimately used to compare the webkit engine in Safari with a Blink or Google V8 engine with the Mozillay engine, which may be uncomfortable for companies because the results may be in favor of one at the expense of the other.

Google indicated in a series of tweets on Twitter that companies have set rules that would help prevent any of them from trying to weight the results in their favor.

The unimportant changes require that it is not less than two participating browsers ’projects, and it cannot be implemented if there are strong objections from others, and the main changes require consensus from all concerned, according to the governance policy.

It is noteworthy that the Speedometer 3 standard is still in the early stages, and its GitHub page indicates that it is "under active and unstable development" and recommended using the Speedometer 2.1 standard, which mainly developed it from Apple.

According to Google, companies are looking to ensure that the new version is "updated to include modern work burdens, such as Javascipt frameworks. More information about the new standard is expected to be discovered in the next few months.

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