google seo search words

google seo search words


google seo search words

If you are interested in writing content and seek to work in this field, you have undoubtedly heard a lot about SEO, or what is known as search engine optimization in Arabic or SEO. Perhaps you tried to read about it, but you were surprised by the huge amount of information about this concept that made you feel lost. No worries, in today's article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide that answers all your questions about this concept in an easy and simple way.

What is SEO

Why care about search engine optimization?

On a daily basis, people search for answers to their questions on search engines, which also archive and rank content posted on the Internet in the hope that users will get the best answers to their questions. On the one hand, visitors will benefit from the helpful answers that appear to them first, and Google and other search engines will benefit by offering their audience the best possible user experience. What can you gain whether you are an entrepreneur or a digital marketer?

Attract the target audience

The main goal of relying on SEO strategies can be to show your target audience while they are searching for anything related to the service or product you are selling. Customers commonly use search engines to search for information about a particular product or to find the best nearby pizzeria and more, and this is an excellent opportunity for you to achieve your marketing goals.

stay ahead

When you optimize your site for search engines, the progress you make not only improves your ranking in results but also your competitors. The higher you rank in search engines, the more clicks you will get than other competitors. The goal of SEO is to improve your site's ranking on the search results page to get you the highest direct traffic and, at best, convert visitors into potential customers.

Ease of measuring results?

Unlike traditional marketing methods which can be measured by sales generated, every aspect of your site's results can be measured on search engines. There are many tools that help evaluate and measure results to see which strategies have the greatest impact on achieving your goals and then invest in them.

Free investment?

You don't need to buy SEO ad space, rather strategies targeted to search engine algorithms that focus on providing the best user experience. Natural search results where you don't pay any money to get your site to top the first search results.

The most important search engine optimization strategies

It has become more than just building links, creating content and stuffing it with keywords, search engines have witnessed new changes in their policies, tools and strategies such as emerging trends such as: voice search and technological developments such as machine learning or (RankBrain). Its purpose is to improve the ranking of natural search results to ensure a better experience for users and increase the visibility of your business or brand according to it, and search engines can be improved through several strategies, the most important of which are:

1. Keywords?

“Use the right keyword and you will get more search engine traffic,” “Improve your keywords and you will rank better,” these two phrases were among the most important tips that searchers hear about how to improve search engines (SEO).

That's because keywords are the first thing you have to deal with when starting to get SEO optimization. If you have been blogging for a while, you may have noticed that some of your articles got a number of search engine visits, because they were rich with specific keywords, which contributed to making these articles top search results only.

So, here's the main question to think about: On what basis does your content rank in search engines? Quite simply, it is an algorithm that searches for and captures certain phrases to appropriately categorize or archive the content. What is meant by “content archiving” is the order in which this content appears on the search engine results page (SERP) as a result of the searched keyword.

What are the keywords?

Keywords are the phrases that define your content, and in the case of SEO, they are the words or “search queries” that searchers enter into search engines. As a content creator or website owner, you need to correlate closely with keywords in your industry to answer what your audience is searching for so that your page content has a better chance of showing up in search results.

What is acceptable keyword density?

In its simplest form, keyword density is the ratio of a keyword's frequency to the total number of words in an article. That is, if there is a 100-word article in which the keyword is repeated 3 times, then this means that the keyword density is 3%, and there is no specific recommended percentage of your articles to achieve a higher ranking. However, keyword density is an indicator of how well your article is targeting that word, especially if it is done without filler or repetition.

What are LSI related tags?

In addition to the primary keyword, you should also pick out some related terms or latent semantic indexing known as LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing). This method is one of the effective means that helps to enhance the content and link it together and strengthen the target word. For clarity, let's say your page is about Apple, so how does Google know if you're referring to the fruit - the apple - or the company? In this case search engines look for LSI related words:

  • If your page contains the words “red apple” and “apple nutrition,” then your page is probably about apples.
  • If your page contains the words “iTunes,” “apple news,” and “apple price,” the page is most likely about Apple devices.

Remember, you can target more than one keyword in a post or page, but I would suggest you make it less than three because if your article is high quality, it will rank indirectly related keywords.

Tools to help you search for keywords


SEMrush allows you to find keywords and see which ones are archived on your site. Competitor pages can also be selected and added to SEMrush to see which keywords these sites rank high in search results, which will help you create unique, high-quality content to target those keywords.

Google search

Google offers a search suggestion automatically when you start typing in the search box. You can create a list of keywords using this technique and then use Google's Keyword Planner to check the search volume for all those keywords.

Keyword Planner

The free Google Keyword Planner tool provides website owners with keyword suggestions. It also provides real-time statistics on how many times people searched for the keyword and how many clicks and impressions your keywords might get. In addition, the competitiveness of this word in order to help choose the most suitable word and create a successful advertising campaign.

google seo search words

To use this tool, you will need to create a Google Ads account. After that, sign in to your Google Adwords account. Then go to the toolbar at the top of the page and click on (TOOLS) and select (Keyword Planner).

You will then be presented with two options within the Keyword Planner: “Find new keywords” and “Get metrics and forecasts for your keywords.” Choose the method that suits you to start with.

  1. Ahrefs Keyword Explorer

Ahrefs Keyword Explorer is one of the popular Ahrefs tools, which helps to get relevant keyword ideas and traffic estimates.

  • LongTailPro

LongTailPro is a tool for long keyword mining. It also allows the user to get hundreds of unique keywords within minutes based on one or several keywords.

How to use keywords optimally?

Now that you've researched your keywords and decided what to target with your pages, you should know how to distribute the keyword within the text to get the best SEO return:


The first place to add the keyword is the article title, which by default will be the title shown in search engine results. The title in the H1 header is often distinguished, and it is recommended that the title begin with the keyword whenever possible.


The second place to include the keyword is the description shown to users who are visitors to search engines. This add-on will give you a more comprehensive look around your page. Tip: You can write the description using Yoast SEO WordPress plugin.

Body Content

solid content; Here is where your brain blocks will unleash your inspiration and write high-quality content with target keywords in mind and reasonable repetition density. It should always be emphasized that the content is provided to visitors in the first place and not to search engines.

You can use the SEO Rambler tool to determine the common length of articles ranking for your target keyword, and this will give you an idea of ​​how many words your article should have to boost your chances of improving search results. You can also keep track of your competitors' posts with our free Google Alerts through which you will get reports every time your competitors publish new content.


It includes H1 headers which should not repeat more than once per page, to lesser headers H2, H3, etc. The use of headers not only helps to enhance the targeting of the article to the keyword when it is included in it, but also contributes to dividing the content into a group of paragraphs that facilitates reading by visitors.

Optimizing images for search engines

Do not neglect the focus on optimizing search engines (SEO) in terms of images, this is another development that can gain importance when conducting visual searches. So, to make sure that search engines can understand the content of your site's images, you should use appropriate names for your image files before uploading them that include keywords instead of the default names like: image001.jpg. In addition, after uploading the images, be sure to include an Alt Text that includes the target keyword.

google seo search words

Web Address Link (URL)

Inserting the keyword into the URL link is a perfect SEO practice, the link ( is perfect for keyword targeting (Seo best practices) if all other criteria are taken into account.

Link building

Hyperlinks go hand in hand with your content plan. Google's Google Quality Strategist Andrey Lipattsev mentioned in a Google Q&A session that content and hyperlinks are the first two ranking factors. Therefore, it makes sense that link building should be an essential part of your SEO strategy. Types of links you should focus on:

  • Editing Links

Editing links are not the ones you get because you asked for it from another webmaster. It's the links you earn if your content is really great! This is one more reason why you need to produce amazing, unique, shareable content because it will get backlinks from other sites. In fact, editorial links are the most important type of backlink, and you'll likely notice that your site's rank improves when other authors start referring to your articles.

  • Editing Links

Editing links are not the ones you get because you asked for it from another webmaster. It's the links you earn if your content is really great! This is one more reason why you need to produce amazing, unique, shareable content because it will get backlinks from other sites. In fact, editorial links are the most important type of backlink, and you'll likely notice that your site's rank improves when other authors start referring to your articles.

  • Acquired Links

When you decide to go with a backlink strategy, make sure you follow the rules, because there are countless sites on the internet that will sell you backlinks, and if you go with that approach instead of building strong content then you are putting your site’s ranking at risk. This method is an open method for Google, as it searches for those sites that sell backlinks and takes punitive actions for the site. For that, follow the right rules, improve your content, and always focus on building those links right.

 Content Optimization for Featured Snippet

Featured Google snippets are one of the features that Google added to the search engine some time ago. This feature provides users with a concise and targeted answer to their questions - directly on the search results page - without users having to click to reach a specific result and thanks to which sites get higher traffic by being the leader in search results.

For example, when you search for an article titled “Search Engine Optimization” you will see at the top of the search results a topic from Wikipedia titled “Search Engine Optimization – Wikipedia” with a featured snippet. The snippet contains more than just the title and description, it includes the main points of the topic and allows users to learn information about what they are looking for without leaving the results page. Featured snippets often appear in voice search results.

According to Ahrefs, if you rank first in search results and also have the featured snippet, you'll get 31% more traffic compared to just getting first without the featured snippet. Therefore, your interest in having a unique snippet of your article means showing excellent results in search engine optimization (SEO). There is no way you can force Google to show your content as a featured snippet, but there are general guidelines that increase the chances of your content appearing in that format such as:

  • Avoid long introductions, and give your readers the information they are looking for straightforward.
  • Give your page a competitive edge by using in-content menus so that Google can easily analyze it and include it in the featured snippet.
  • Use the FAQ, it's in the form of easy questions and answers and tends to be quick and brief enough to put in the featured snippet box.

RankBrain System

RankBrain is an algorithm developed by Google that helps process search queries and match them with your content, and Google has commented that this system was the third most important factor in the ranking algorithm along with links and content.

How does RankBrain understand the word you're looking for?

Approximately 15% of the keywords people typed into Google search engines have never been seen before. 15% may not seem like a lot but when it comes to processing billions of searches per day, that means Google has to check all the pages to see if they contain the keyword someone searched for.

What has changed? In the past, Google would try to match the words in a user's search query to the words on the page. Today, RankBrain tries to discover what the user actually means by matching keywords they have never seen with keywords that Google has seen before.

In this post, Google describes a technology called "Word2vec" that turns keywords into concepts. For example, Google says that this technology “recognizes that Paris and France are connected in the same way that it is between Berlin and Germany (the capital and the country), and not in the same way between Madrid and Italy.”

Although this post wasn't specifically talking about RankBrain, this system uses similar and more advanced technology. In short, this system goes beyond just matching keywords, it converts your search terms into concepts and vocabulary and tries to find pages that cover those concepts.

How does RankBrain measure user satisfaction?

This system filters search using user experience (UX) signals. In other words, this system arranges for you the set of pages in search results that have already been liked by many people before. As for the pages that did not like them, their order would be dropped and replaced with different pages, and so on.

How does RankBrain affect your SEO strategy?

This system is an artificial intelligence system capable of simulating human intelligence. It is like a living person who evaluates your content in order to determine whether a keyword is appropriate for the content or not, and it can analyze the syntax of the keyword and analyze its content. This system can go beyond simple title words to search the content itself to determine what the search term is related to. It also evaluates the content and compares it with others to determine the place or order in which it should be classified.

  1. In addition, the system identifies synonyms in your content to better understand how well that content matches your search queries. All of this means that you are not confined to a single keyword box, and this means that you need to include related forms, synonyms, and attributes to signal to Google that you really know what you're talking about.
  2. Bottom line: Produce high-quality content optimized for your keyword and include synonyms and related words, and RankBrain will take notice of your content being high on search engine results pages (SERPs).

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